Ladies and gentlemen


My website is now available in english. Well, I didn't translate all but only the main parts : all the menus, the guestbook and the blog. Indeed, I'll cross many countries and meet new people, so they might want to keep in touch with me through my website, that's why I started to translate it. My english is far from being perfect but I hope to improve it during my trip (I also want to learn russian). Anyway, it should be understandable.

I also plan to post from time to time in english in my blog, so add my RSS feed in your favorite reader wink

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En route, le mieux c'est de se perdre. Lorsqu'on s'égare, les projets font place aux surprises et c'est alors, mais alors seulement, que le voyage commence.

Nicolas Bouvier
Textes et photos sous licence CC BY-SA 4.0 License CC BU-SA 4.0